Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Instagram Mondays.


 We got Allie's bottle fixed one night and while getting a bib Addison decides to start feeding her. Which last long enough for us to snap a picture.

I just love this little face..
Shes cutting teeth so shes drooling like crazy..

I love getting sweet pictures cause I fear it wont be long before they are fighting like cats and dogs. Two girls three  years apart I dread the teenage years..

I sold my computer desk so I got this table and turned it into a desk. Addison calls it my office. It was too purdy to pass up.

This is what Allie does on rainy Saturdays..

We got a new double jogging stoller which makes stoller #5 for the Moore family the other ones are getting sold asap. Especially considering I'm going tomorrow to look at a double inline one.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Once again I've been slacking on blogging again.
I've been quite occupied lately with these two little girls..


Allie is having reflux problems. She was constantly spitting up and at times we couldn't get her to stop fussing. She now has to take medicine twice a day & thankfully its helped her so much. We've actually got 5 hours of straight sleep once or twice.

I think its finally hit Addison that she isn't the only child anymore. She's literally cries more then Allie does. So we've had our hands full. Hopefully she just needs a little more time to adjust.

Last week we went swimming at the best friends house.
By we I mean Addison.
I forgot my bathing suit on purposeッ so me & Allie got some sun instead. I haven't seen Nikki since Allie was born so we were finally able to get caught up on everything thats been going on.
Phone chats just aren't the same as being in person.

We visited with the Grandparents. 
I just love watching them with her.
She's making the sweetest little sounds & smiles when you talk to her..

There is no favorites in Grandpa's world. He has 12 grandchildren soon to be 14 & he loves them all the same.


I got a few pics of the babies today.

I just love them so much.

They are absolutely perfect..
I love my life and my little family of four.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Good God Almighty..

Thursday night me & my cousin went to see Luke Bryan..
He put on such a great show & thats all I'm saying since Daniel reads my blog.


Isn't she adorable..

I found this picture of Addison..
 It just shows how much they look alike..
They may look alot alike but I can tell already their personalities are going to be totally different.

Addison is the best big sister. She's like a little mama to her.

She told me the other day that she "wanted a little brother shes never had a little brother." How adorable. Although I can't promise her a little brother I can say we won't wait three years to have another baby, but we will have plenty of time to enjoy Allie being a baby before we have us a little Austin Coy or another beautiful little girl that has not yet been named..

Saturday, May 26, 2012

One Month..

Allie Peyton Moore you are ONE month old..

  • You are such a good baby. (sometimes)
  • You wear size 2 diaper.
  • You are wear very few newborn and mostly 0-3 month.

  • You eat every three hours. Ocassionally you will go four.
  • You love your big sister. Your little eyes just follow her around the room.
  •  Your starting to make sweet little noises.
  • You hate diaper changes & bath time.
  • You constantly want to be held.
  • Your favorite place to sleep is in bed with Mommy, Daddy, & Addison.

  • We love you so much..

    Saturday, May 19, 2012

    First Bath..

    Allie finally got to take her "real" first bath. Technically you can't bath them until their umbilical stump falls off & after 3 weeks hers finally did. She hated it. She defintely takes after her big sister. Addison would never take a bath if it was up to her. I just hope she learns to love baths especially considering its an every day thing.

    Monday, March 26, 2012

    35 Weeks!!

    Since I haven't done a pregnancy update in forever I decided to do one.

    How Far Along: 35 Weeks
    Size of baby: Around 6lbs or the size of a honeydew.
    Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've lost count I know its less than 20lbs.
    Maternity Clothes: Everything is maternity except for my loungewear.
    Gender: It's a girl!!! Allie Peyton Moore.
    Movement: She moves all the times. Sometimes so much it hurts..
    Sleep: Sleeping is just so uncomfortable. I have to be to the point of passing out to actually go to sleep. She moves from side to side so I toss and turn all night. But thankfully only 32 more days left;)

    What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.
    Cravings: I'm not that hungry lately. I feel like I have no room in there for food.
    Symptoms: Cramps and pressure at times..
    Best Moment this week: Having my root canal done.. I know this is not baby related but I'm sure all the pain was causing her stress so it was just a relief to get it taken care of.

    Addison keeps asking when she is going to be here. I told her earlier I had to go to doctor tomorrow and she says "to get baby out?"
    I just love how excited she is about having a little sister. She even includes her in the family pictures she draws. She never leaves her out in anything she even wants to buy her things everywhere we go.
     I am down to my final month and can't wait to see what she looks like.
    She has no idea how loved she is already.