Monday, March 26, 2012

35 Weeks!!

Since I haven't done a pregnancy update in forever I decided to do one.

How Far Along: 35 Weeks
Size of baby: Around 6lbs or the size of a honeydew.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've lost count I know its less than 20lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Everything is maternity except for my loungewear.
Gender: It's a girl!!! Allie Peyton Moore.
Movement: She moves all the times. Sometimes so much it hurts..
Sleep: Sleeping is just so uncomfortable. I have to be to the point of passing out to actually go to sleep. She moves from side to side so I toss and turn all night. But thankfully only 32 more days left;)

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.
Cravings: I'm not that hungry lately. I feel like I have no room in there for food.
Symptoms: Cramps and pressure at times..
Best Moment this week: Having my root canal done.. I know this is not baby related but I'm sure all the pain was causing her stress so it was just a relief to get it taken care of.

Addison keeps asking when she is going to be here. I told her earlier I had to go to doctor tomorrow and she says "to get baby out?"
I just love how excited she is about having a little sister. She even includes her in the family pictures she draws. She never leaves her out in anything she even wants to buy her things everywhere we go.
 I am down to my final month and can't wait to see what she looks like.
She has no idea how loved she is already.

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