I have a feeling 2012 will be awesome.
Mainly because our family of three will become a family of four.
I can't wait to see that sweet little face in April.
I usually don't make resolutions mainly because I usually don't go through with them but this year
I pretty much have no choice.
I pretty much have no choice.
Get organized.
I have so much to do before the baby comes. We have a room to be completely redone. We have to get Addison her big girl bed, change her bed back to a crib, organize her closet (this makes me cringe just thinking about it), paint her dresser & mirror [well this is on Daniel's to do list; I have more sense then to breath paint fumes while pregnant] get matching crib set & bedding, new rugs, curtains, & a new tv for the girls is defintely on that list.
At the moment I like this one. The top of course for baby and bottom for Addison's bed.
Find a new Church.
Our Church is over 45 minutes from our house so our goal this year is to find a Church closer to home. Its a chore getting three people ready in the morning and having to leave the house an hour early & soemtimes it just makes it impossible to make it places in time. The one we attend doesn't have an active nursery and I very much believe every Church should have them.
So not only is our goal to find one but to get more involved.
Focus more on the ones that matter the most.
I usually have a pretty good sense on who to trust and who not to. Lately obviously I don't. I just think some people try way to hard sometimes to fit in. I joke around 75% of the time. Its just me. I just try to make people laugh cause I feel like they just need it. So to sum it up this last year I learned who I can & can't trust, I learned not everyone is as loyal as they seem, & people will do just about anything to fit in.
Plan out weekly meals..
I plan on cooking more & eating out less. I have seriously slacked when it comes to cooking. We eat out way more then we should. Sometimes its just easier then going to the grocery store with a 3 year old and trying to buy groceries for a week. I do plan on trying to cook at least 5 nights a week.
I need to make me one of these to put our weekly menu's on.
Take more pictures.
I plan on taking pictures everyday. I finally got a new camera. Mine was being held together with tape & to be honest it just sucked. Now with a better camera I'm more motivated to get it out and actually use it.
Thankfully the day it came in I had plenty of people to pose for me.

Ditch the social networking world.
I plan on becoming less involved in the social networking world. I have a facebook which I'm quite fond of. I wonder why I added some of the people on their but thankfully they have that clever little remove friend button. I deleted my twitter I feel like its useless and distracting. I do plan on blogging more at least once a week if possible.
This year I hope to learn that I can't fix everything{everyone} and that maybe somethings{people} are just meant to be broken..
I do pray for people but sometimes if they aren't willing to help themselves things just won't get any better.
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